September 2022 Newsletter

Header image that says "Ottawa Cleaning the Capital"

Cleaning the Capital Fall 2022 – Registration is Open!

Register your clean up project until September 30, 2022.  Registering a project makes you eligible for a  free Cleanup Kit for you and your team. 

Your clean up can be as small and simple as your household heading out together to clean up a part of your neighbourhood.  It could be as large as a neighbourhood-wide event including a social get together after the clean up! 

Registering online means you’ll pick a location that isn’t already going to be cleaned by another group.  If you fill out the final report (just a summary of how much you picked up and how many people took part) then you can even win prizes.

Help pitch in and keep Convent Glen and Orléans Wood looking green and clean!

Register here:

Convent Glen – Orléans Wood Community Association Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Please join us on Monday September 19th at 7pm for our virtual AGM.

Link to Register for the AGM is here:

Annual General Meetings are a chance to come together, to hear about the activities of the Community Association for the past year and to elect the volunteer Board of Directors.

If you are interested in volunteering to help the Board of Directors, please reach out to

a group of people doing a yoga class outside in a park

Yoga in the Park 2022

Mireille Brownhill has led the efforts that have allowed the CGOWCA to offer free yoga in the park for several years. In 2022, it was hosted in Hiawatha Park (in Convent Glen) and Décarie Park (in Orléans Wood). 

Thank you to the instructors who shared your time and expertise with neighbours. Thank you to the neighbours who attended!

Keep those Wednesday evenings open in July and August 2023 for our next offering.

image with a hand putting a ballot into a voting box, a checkmark inside a circle, and a silhouette of the Ottawa downtown skyline

Municipal Election – Monday October 24, 2022

All of us have a civic responsibility to vote.  The next regular municipal election to elect a Mayor, City Councillors, and School Board Trustees will be held on Monday, October 24, 2022. Eligible electors will have the opportunity to cast a ballot for the following offices:

  • Mayor – one elected at large
  • City Councillor – one elected per ward
  • School Board Trustee – one elected per zone: 
    • Ottawa-Carleton District School Board
    • Ottawa Catholic School Board
    • Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario
    • Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est

The slate of candidates for our upcoming municipal election is set.  The ward boundaries changed since our last election and Convent Glen and Orléans Wood now fall in Ward 2.  You can confirm your ward and your slate of candidates by entering your address here:

If this is your first chance to vote in a municipal election (or even if it isn’t and you just want to better understand the process), check out this Voters’ Guide prepared by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs:

Mayors and City Councillors are responsible for making decisions about how property tax dollars are allocated.  Municipal government is responsible for things that affect everyone daily such as:

  • Infrastructure services:  snow removal, roads, garbage and recycling, water and sewer
  • Quality of life services: community centres, parks and recreation, libraries
  • Essential services:  public transit, affordable housing, public health, community services
  • Enforcement and Emergency services:  Police, Bylaw, Fire

School Board Trustees make decisions about how schools run by setting policies and strategic directions.  They are part of making decisions about how budgets and resources are allocated.  They are representatives of the community who are our advocates for public education.  Find out more here:

The work of municipal government affects all of us every day – VOTE!

Four kids under 10 years old who are on a beach and holding signs saying "save the earth" and "love the earth"

Call for Environment Committee Volunteers

Are you interested in environmental sustainability, protecting and naturalizing greenspaces, and engaging the community on sustainable transportation and climate resilience? Do you want to meet other like-minded folks interested in improving the biodiversity and environmental protection in our area? CGOWCA is starting an Environment Committee and we are looking for a group of committed volunteers who are interested in developing goals and projects for our community!
Please send an email to with your interest, time availability (i.e. hours per month), and areas of interest (i.e. gardens, transportation, tree planting, etc.). We hope to set up our first virtual meeting sometime in October!

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