Financial Literacy Workshop for Seniors
- Tuesday, March 12, 2019 at 6:30 PM – 8 PM
- Orléans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre
- 105-240, Centrum Blvd., Orleans, Ontario K1E 3J4
Join us and RBC financial advisors to improve your financial literacy and learn about fraudulent projects that target seniors. This workshop is open to residents of the greater Orléans area. There is no charge to attend this event.
Space is limited, so please register by sending an email to sara.ammoun@rbc.com

Local Free Income Tax Clinics
- RCCG Faith Chapel Orleans – 2181 St Joseph Blvd Unit 4 – Community Volunteer Income Tax Clinic Sat 10 am-4 pm, Fri 10 am-2 pm, February 16th – April 30th, 2018. For more information, contact rccgfctaxclinic@gmail.com
- Orléans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre – Free Income Tax Clinic for low income individuals or families. By appointment on Wednesdays or Saturdays from February 21st to March 23rd at 240 Centrum Blvd, Unit 105. For more information: https://crcoc.ca/income-tax-clinic/ info@crcoc.ca (613) 830-4357
- EBO Financial Education Centre – 300 Olmstead St, 2nd floor – by appointment Monday to Friday. Contact Ange Ningabiye, Income Tax Service Coordinator; Phone: 613-746-0400 ext 201; Email: acningabiye@centre-ebo.com

Save the date!
The CGOWCA’s 3rd Annual Dog Walkathon is coming on Saturday April 27th. We will be sharing more information about this event and how to take part shortly!

Community-Engaged Arts Gathering
Neighbourhood Arts Ottawa is hosting a one-and-a-half-day Community-Engaged Arts Gathering on March 25th and 26th 2019 at Nunavut Sivuniksavut! If you are interested in making a difference in your community via the arts, you can get more information and sign up for this event here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/community-engaged-arts-gathering-tickets-53407932564

Gardens Ottawa – Spring Symposium
Gardens Ottawa is made up of a group of active garden organizations and avid gardeners. Their goal is to facilitate communication and connection between a variety of garden groups and organizations to enhance quality of life and the beautification of Ottawa through the creation of, and care for, gardens and green spaces.
To this end, Gardens Ottawa is holding a Spring Symposium on March 16th, 2019 at City Hall, Ottawa. Join members in discussing how to make Ottawa bloom as a City of Gardens.
There are two ways to participate, you can fill in the questionnaire at the following link:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1J4CZLgu3e4R_imKhNSrmfQaNQ3UCAP9qvhfjOedDKdw and/or if possible you can attend the Garden Symposium.
To register for the Garden Symposium visit: