Tag: Better Homes Ottawa Loan Program

June 2024 Newsletter

Attend an Association Board Meeting Maybe you’re curious about what happens at board meetings or are not sure about getting involved.  Come on out and join us!  The next regular meeting of the CGOWCA volunteer Board of Directors is on June 10, 2024. The meeting is virtual.  If you would like to attend, email conventglenorleanswood@gmail.com …

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November 2023 Newsletter

a photograph of a woman sitting cross legged on a wooden floor in front of a white wall that is filled with doodles in black marker. She is holding up a large sign with a drawing of a lightbulb. The woman is wearing a teal, short sleeved shirt and black pants and white sneakers. She has long black hair.

City of Ottawa – Budget 2024 The City has dedicated a section of their website to this year’s budget process. It includes a short video that explains the ways you can provide input. Municipalities are responsible for many services that affect our day to day lives like public transit, libraries, Bylaw, Fire and Paramedic services …

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